
10,000 pardons for nothing.

So I've been a human failure for the last while, and all things combined mean I haven't gotten the time to post my minimum 1 rad thing a day, so to my .25 viewers across the web, I submit my greatest apologies. In return, what else, radness.


Dennis Can - Pure Genius

Pardon the long story, I tried to keep it concise, but I couldn't help droning on.

So through my several years of existing on the internet, I've met many great people, but this kid is honestly one of the most skilled I've come to know. Dennis Can is a newly 16 year old dude from Colorado, and he's smarter than most people I know in college.

His passion that I've come to know him for is 3d modelling, and god can he model.

To date his most intricate work, a model of the new Nissan GTR, this thing is exquisite. Any part from the stitches on the dash to the plastic mesh in grills, he's made it all.

Then on top of that, he made both a collaborative custom body kit with fellow friend Jacob Kupier, and also the Super GT GTR. Not enough you say?

Then check out a couple other projects he's worked on, his own design of an RX-7 LeMans racer, and a slick 240sx. Sadly, these all pale in comparison to his current project, not the most complex (easy for me to say), but bar none the most meaningful.

An arrangement of 240's and S13's set in front of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. To be a dedication to his close friend, also a friend of mine, Kevin Phan who passed away several months back. I'm equal parts touched and amazed that anyone could do this, nonetheless a comparative kid, just another great thing in this life.


Bikes, rethought.

Hipsters, Road Bikes, and 88cc engines = one fun looking idea, I want.


Saab Story.

Back in the 60's when cars were actually for something more than getting around, Saab made a badass little ride called the Sonett. My dad has one of the 2nd generation ones, and yea just sharing how awesome a car they are.

1650lbs, 65HP Ford V4 engine from germany, four on the column, factory rollbar and bucket seats, and 110mph top speed, suck it corvettes.

That's it's younger brother, but same engine. It's not an aweful looker itself.



The beginning of the end.

So here it is, a blog, won't bore anyone with words, instead I'll bore with pictures, enjoy it folks. I'll just start with my only self-whoring post, of my best picture I've ever taken, and never post my own garbage again haha.

P.S. Thanks to Thomas Lottermoser for the banner image, check his stuff out, some fantastic, not overdone/edited photography... Manganite.