
Happy thoughts.

Imagine driving this...

down this driveway...

and then parking it here...

Happy thoughts.


Won't you be my...

...immensely attractive female compatriot for a day?



Beauty comes in many shapes, and I want 'em all.


The world is full of fun.

We all see skaters, most in America are a lot of wannabe thugs or in the case of myself and my cohorts, just people getting around in a fun fashion.

Either way, the narrow focus of not being rich jet-setters makes us forget there's a whole rest of the world rocking out just as we do.

Lowness knows no age.

Be it American, or in the last example Japanese, lowness is not the brainchild of today, but a tradition of excellence that's been round for quite some time.

So respect your elders, and maybe they'll respect your shiny cracker jack import.



Can you put me through to the cool police, I've got one hell of a situation down here.


The only Idol.

There aren't many people worth using the word Idol for, as most people only have pieces you want to emulate. From where I sit, that word better mean you'd be proud to live your entire life to a T in the manor in which said person did.

Without further ado, the only idol:


Mo' Tards.

What do you get when you combine a dirtbike with a dick crotch rocket? Motards.